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Bleeding Heart Plants

Q.dividing bleeding heart plant

Zone Near Chicago illinois | Anonymous added on September 21, 2016 | Answered

The plants are dormant and the foliage has died back (the attached photo was taken a month ago and I wanted to wait too it was cooler before I dug). I was surprised to find such big, woody roots and had a hard time digging without continually cutting off pieces. I finally just tried to slice through it with the shovel and moved the cut piece to another area of the yard. Will the old one survive? Will the cut off part grow?

I have another plant to divide and afraid to start digging on it. They have done so well and I’m now attached to them –don’t want to lose them.

Any advice?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 23, 2016

Yes, as long as their are still roots remaining in the ground it should continue to grow and come back next spring.
You will want to continue to water into the fall so all the plants, new and old have good healthy root systems.


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