Q.Natal plum
My natal plum is a nice green and light green color on it but it has been getting brown spots on the leaves. What could be my problem? I should also say I am trying to bonsai this beautiful small shrub.
Check the watering. Make sure the soil is moderately watered. The plant has a high drought tolerance. Natal Plum is prone to root rot if the roots sit in soggy soil.
4 hours of direct sunlight daily is important.
Air circulation is extremely important for the Natal Plum. Keep the plant in a breezy area or even a fan can be placed near the plant to reduce the risk of fungus issues.
Natal Plum prefers a slightly acidic soil so fertilizing with an acid fertilizer every 2 weeks during the active growth period.
I would treat the plant with a fungicide and review the growing conditions.