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Cabbage Plants

Q.Napa cabbage

Zone 30253 | carrie310 added on April 16, 2016 | Answered

My Napa cabbages all bolted a month after I transplanted them into the ground. Should I leave them or cut my losses and put something else in their place? I live south of Atlanta, GA and it is my understanding they do best in spring or early fall so it will soon be too hot for them. Also, should they always be planted from seed ONLY? I have run across a couple of articles that seem to indicate this is the only way to grow them. Thanks for your advice.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 18, 2016

In your region, crops such as cabbage, chinese cabbages and Brussels sprouts will only preform if transplanted after the hottest part of the summer have passed.

Chinese Cabbage can be started from seed, though in cooler regions transplants are more readily found.


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