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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Nandina, invasive

Zone 21865 | esanita added on November 26, 2017 | Answered

Nandina is listed as a noxious, non-native invasive in many states. Yet you don’t mention this in your latest email’s nandina article. Please don’t advise gardeners to plant such invasives. It’s easy to find info about nandina’s invasiveness online. The same goes for other invasives, such as burning bush.

Anita Danko

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 26, 2017

There are many areas in which these species are non-invasive, and as you stated it is very easy to find this information on line. Any plant can become invasive if put into the proper area, and it would not be feasible to label every plant as invasive. It is up to the individual to inform us of the area in which they reside, so that we can give them proper advice on what to plant, and what not to plant.

We just, simply, cannot label every plant in the list as invasive. As stated, any plant can become invasive under the right circumstances.

An example: In my area, Nandina are quite difficult to cultivate, and often do not last long.

We appreciate your concern.

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