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Q.Names against what type of ROSE stem.

Zone BH24 2PG | Anonymous added on November 17, 2019 | Answered

My gardening knowledge is VERY limited; I’ve just received THREE root stems with names. Also, how and where to plant them …BUT they did not state which was which; DOUBLE DELIGHT; HARKNESS SS; MEILLAND (Peace).
They are a Hybrid Tea Scented, a Patio, and a Floribunda.Any info gratefully received. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 18, 2019

Double Delight is a red and yellow hybrid tea rose.
The Meillend Peace rose is also a hybrid tea.
Harkness is a rose breeder in England.
When the roses grow, you will know better what is what. The hybrid teas typically have one rose at the terminal end of the stem, great for cutting. Floribundas have a cluster of roses on each stem. A patio rose has a ball shaped habit on a tall main stem.


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