Q.Name of Plant
I purchased a houseplant that has leaves that point upward and a blossom grows out of the middle. I think I was told it was called something like baird, or something like that. Two “starts” have grown from it, one on either side. I want to plant the “starts” but when I pulled the mature plant out of the soil (because I was told nothing else would come from it), there didn’t seem to be anything that looked like roots coming from the “babies.” It put them in water to root them, but am not sure that’s what I need to do. The flower that has grown from the main plant is yellow, and as I mentioned, the leaves grow up around the blossom and point upward, in a pointed position. Any help for me?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Could you send us a picture? This would help us to identify the plant for certain and be of more help with its propagation.