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Hyacinth Plant

Q.my wisteria looks like it is dying

pauline added on June 13, 2012 | Answered

I planted a wisteria last year and it flowered. It also flowered this year and the leaves were very green. After some heavy rain and wind, all my leaves have shrivelled up. Do you have any ideas as to whether this is dying or needs a good prune and feed, or should I dig it up and look at the root system?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 19, 2012

I would look at the root system. It may have a root rot brought on by the rain. You don't need to dig the whole plant up, just dig down to the roots to examine some of them. If they are mushy and smell off, it is a root rot.

Some root rots can be corrected and some cannot. The best you can do is to make sure drainage is good and treat the soil with a fungicide. If the root rot can be treated, this will help. If it can't be treated, nothing will help.

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