Q.My Weigela Didn\’t Lose It\’s Leaves In The Winter
We planted two weigela in the early fall of 2020. They bloomed and survived winter but then had mostly dead stems come spring 2021. We pruned them back almost to the ground, and both filled out and bloomed pretty nicely last year. In winter of 2021/2022, the leaves turned brown but did not fall, and now in March 2022, we are still in winter in Colorado, but I’m not sure what to do with them as the weather warms up, since they kept all of their leaves but are brown/dead. Do I need to cut them all the way back again? Is this going to happen every year moving forward, or can I do something different this year to ensure more growth? Thanks!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You don't need to cut them back, completely. This is just what you will come to expect from living in a cooler USDA zone.
Just tip prune and remove any completely dead branches in early spring.
This article will help you to care for the shrub: