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Weeping Willow Trees

Q.My Weeping Willow Is Dying

Anonymous added on July 22, 2011 | Answered

I just planted a weeping willow in my front lawn a few days ago. I am watering it plenty, but all the leaves on top are starting to get crunchy and wilted and falling off. I don’t know if there is something that I can buy or what I can do to help it! I love this little tree already, and I don’t want it to die.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 24, 2011

First, be sure you have planted this well away from any kind of plumbing pipes. Weeping willow need TONS of water and will head to where it is..........you feel it is getting plenty of water. Compared to other trees, this one takes twice as much. Someone else may be able to provide a different answer but usually their only requirement is water, water and more water until they are established. Then they will find their own. :-}

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