Q.My wax begonia has bug eggs, they are on the tops of the leaves.
I’ve had the plant for 3 weeks and kept it on a table on my patio. About a week ago, I noticed that several leaves were covered with whitish, elongated bug eggs. I don’t know what bug they are from. What are they and what should I use to get rid of them. I moved the plant off the patio and to the side of the house and dusted it with diatomaceous earth. It did not solve the problem. Then I cut off most leaves that had the eggs on them. However, now there a lot more leaves with eggs on them. It has also rained twice since them and I left the plant out in the rain. Any suggestions. I have another insecticide called “Safer”, but it says it is not for begonias. Any suggestions would be helpful. I don’t know how to upload a photo.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Without a photo, my best guess is mealy bugs. Neem oil should help. Here is more: