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Q.My Vegetables Are Not Developing

Zone Montana | 23hunter added on August 19, 2012 | Answered

I fertilize and a local nursery told me to also add zinc. The roots of my radishes and my beets are mainly just roots, my brussel sprouts have done nothing, and my pole beans are growing but have not even blossoms yet. Help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 20, 2012

Root crops need somewhat cooler temps and loose soil to properly form a bulb. If you are noticing more top growth and little to no bulb formation, it is likely due to a fertilizing/nutrient issue. While a soil test would allow you to know for certain, it may be that you have too much nitrogen and too little phosphorus. Lots of nitrogen will result in plenty of leafy growth but if your soil is lacking phosphorus, there will be poor root growth. I would add some more phosphorus, like bone meal, to the soil and give it some more time. Also, make sure the plants are adequately mulched to keep the soil cooler.

As for the pole beans with no blossoms, a lack of phosphorus would be responsible for this as well.

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