Q.My twisted willow has turned yellow
Hello, A week ago I pruned 2 branches from my twisted willow tree (approx 20ft high/ 16yrs old) In the last week it has turned completely yellow and looks like its dying. Could it be an infection from pruning or early autumn leave drop due to long dry summer? will it recover? 12.09.2018 Swindon, Wilsthire
Kind regards

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
What you describe is most likely due to "early autumn leaf drop due to long dry summer" and not from the pruning of two branches. It should recover and leaf out normally in spring.
Soil fertility and water management are important for plant health and resistance to drought stress. Apply a complete fertilizer in the early spring, mulch the soil surface to help retain soil moisture, and water appropriately through the dry periods. Willows are water loving and grow on the banks of streams and ponds in their native habitat.