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Q.tulip bulbs don’t get larger

Zone zone 3..Beasley B.C. | Anonymous added on October 8, 2016 | Answered

My tulip bulbs keep dividing and don’t get larger. What can I do? I planted large tulip bulbs a few years ago. They bloomed once then nothing. This fall I dug them up and found they were really small, with all kinds of bulblets attached. I have cleaned them up. Will dust them with flower sulfur, work in some bulb food and replant. What can I do to increase the bulb size and any pointers on growing the little ones would be great?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 9, 2016

There can be many different reasons for tulips not blooming.
The article below is an excellent resource for you to pinpoint the issues.


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