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Q.My Tubers Are Huge So How Much Do I Cut Off To Save The Bulb

Zone Norman OK 73069 | Blackbeauty added on November 23, 2022 | Answered

I have 4 of them in a bucket. Do they need individual buckets

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 24, 2022

Unfortunately, I don't have much context to what plant we are mentioning. I won't be able to be of much assistance, as care and division will have much to do with what plant we are discussing. Typically, with most bulbs, they will be divided in such a way where you will be able to see "eyes" or bud growths that will be next year's growth on each segment. Each will be planted in their own container. When to do so will depend on the type of plant in question.

Just as a reference, here is an article on Dahlia division:


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