Q.my tree is looking not healthy, not sure what is going on
Hello , This tree is Wintergreen Japanese Umbrella Pine, planted 4 weeks ago and presently looks like it’s starving for water, but it get water every day. No excessive sun, organic soil.

It may just need better water management and patience for recovery period from the planting. Back off on the daily watering now and depending on climate factors, water no more than three times a week unless its really hot and dry. If you have been watering shallowly, just the surface, then you may need to deep water but less frequently. If on the other hand it's too muddy wet all the way down in the planting hole, then it could be suffering from anaerobic conditions and needs to dry out a little between waterings.
So much depends on the planting technique expertise and set back that can occur from poor handling, drying out and root loss during planting. Soil quality in the backfill is important.
It's still alive after a month and just a little wilted, so that's a good sign, not perfect but not yet a crisis. It should be putting out new roots and taking up water now and you should see it respond and perk up and start to put out some new growth soon.