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Tomato Plants

Q.My Tomatoes In Pots And (see Photo) All Have Fawny Spots On Them.

Zone Mulwala NSW | Anonymous added on November 18, 2024 | Answered

Also roses in same garden are withered around edges when emerging from the bud.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 21, 2024

It could be thrips damage on all three. Also, the tomato leaves may have some sun scorch on them. The brown edges also could be the result of improper watering. When you see spots on tomato leaves, you can pinch off the leaves in case it's a fungal infection. Tomatoes can lose a lot of leaves and still produce.

The white spots on the nasturtium leaves could be powdery mildew if the spots are fuzzy, but they don't look fuzzy in the photo. It also could be dry soil or sun scorch.

These articles should help:






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