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Dracaena Plants

Q.My TALL skinny trunk dracaena

Zone 01982 | carolinaelizabeth added on May 28, 2017 | Answered

I have a dracaena plant I’ve had for years. It has two stalks and is about 9′ high. I would like to cut it down as it’s grown too tall with a few curves in the trunks and now doesn’t look attractive being that tall. I hate to cut it and throw out the frons … What should I do? If I cut it back, will new frons grow back?
Thanks in advance for taking time to answer me.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 29, 2017

You can prune the plant back to where you would like new growth to start.
It will take a few weeks for new leaves to sprout.


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