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Sunflower Plants

Q.My Sunflowers Do Not Look Like They Have Seeds

Zone 32068 | samfinn12 added on October 8, 2012 | Answered

They look like they are dying. Do I cut them off at the top or do I just let them be? They are in full sun and it has rained every single day for at least 30 minutes. Some were short and some are very large, like you said, and I planned on feeding them to the birds but I see no seeds. What have I done wrong?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 26, 2012

Not all kinds of sunflowers have the large heads that have large seeds in them. Some varieties have smaller seeds that each have a mini flower on top so it may appear that the seeds are not there. Check one of the heads and rub at the velvety substance on the face of the flower. You should find seeds below.

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