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Strawberry Plants

Q.My Strawberry Seedlings Won’t Grow Bigger

Zone Uppsala, Sweden | Anonymous added on April 28, 2021 | Answered

This spring I tried to grow strawberries from (store-bought) seeds, but only a few of the seeds germinated and what is even more confusing to me, the 2 mm baby plants then started to die. Only two of the seedlings have survived thus far and they look healthy and all right in every way but they just refuse to grow. They have been the same for about a month without any sign of a third leaf starting to sprout or the plant getting any taller. Neither do they look unhealthy in any way. They are planted in soil and I’m careful not to over- or underwater them. All my other plants are doing fine but the strawberries just won’t grow bigger. Do you have any suggestion as for what could be the problem?

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