Q.My Strawberries Have Pretty Much Died Overnight!
I had beautiful strawberries which were thriving! Then overnight (maybe I didn’t check garden for 2 days but I feel it was only one day – they just got crispy and turned brown. There is one left now that has a LITTLE bit of green left… I live in Botswana Africa – very little things I can buy – any idea WHAT might have happened and is there any organic or something easy I can do with ingredients I would probably be able to find here? Want to save my strawberries.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It may be too late but you can try cutting the crispy brown leaves off to any green leaves and see if it regrows.
Is the sun intense there? If so, give them some shade in the summer. I suspect they got too much sun and not enough water. Here is growing information: