Q.My soil is incredibly alkaline. It is April 9. I am in Northern IL and have two raised beds 6×12. How can I get this soil prepared
for Spring planting soon?
Was the pH measured professionally or using an inexpensive test kit? I've read that the kits are not reliable which may, in part, be because users don't always follow instructions exactly. But when reviewed by soil scientists, the inexpensive kits didn't make the grade. There are additives that lower pH which should be available now at garden centers including big box stores. Use the chart in the following article or read the instructions carefully on the product you purchase. In addition, Canadian sphagnum peat moss has a pH between 3 and 4.5 so adding 2 inches to your beds will help. To avoid injuring plant roots, don't add more than 2 pounds of elemental sulfur per 100 sq feet. Wait 3 months, get a test and add more, if necessary. https://web.extension.illinois.edu/cfiv/homeowners/080818.html