Q.My Smoke Tree
I live in MA, and after about 3 years of babying my smoke tree, it has finally bloomed this year with the most picture-perfect, amazing blooms. I have 2 questions:
1) One of the branches is broken and cracked down to the trunk of the tree – this was before I moved here. Should I saw the whole thing off even though there are a couple of little leafy twigs growing from it?
2) This tree has a couple of small branches growing from the bottom (like suckers, I guess, though they are on the trunk, not from the roots). They look just like the tree, and I was wondering if it’s possible to root these. If so, how would I do that?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
While it may not be what you want to hear, I would suggest pruning the broken or cracked branch off when it is suitable to do so in your area. Generally, this is done either during winter dormancy or following spring blooming.
You can grow a new tree from the suckers. If you dig around the base of the sucker, check to see if it has its own root system. If it does, you can simply dig it out and cut it away from the parent plant. Then place it in a pot and give it plenty of water until you see new growth. Then it can be planted out in the ground. If you do not see that it has its own root system, scrape a little bark away from below the soil line on the sucker and then cover the wound back up with soil. Check back every month or so until you see roots develop and then follow the previous instructions.