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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.My small japanese maple tree only produced 3/4 of leaves

Zone North in ohio. 20 miles south of the lake | firecracker.1 added on May 4, 2015 | Answered

I’m just wondering why my Japanese maple tree is only producing about 3/4 of its leaves. The branches are not dead and seem to have tiny buds on them but have not sprouted leaves. Could this of been because of a cold winter and will be ok next year? Or will they sprout later? We’ve had it about 4 years now and never had a problem. It’s been a beautiful tree…about 4 ft high. I know it’s early in the season but shouldn’t they all be coming out now? Please help!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 6, 2015

Yes, I do believe your tree may just be struggling to wake from the incredibly cold winter. Below normal temperatures were suffered by nearly the entire United States.
A good sign is budding and the tree looks quite healthy. Make sure the tree is receiving adequate water.


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