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Hyacinth Plant

Q.leggy shrimp plant

Zone I live in South Florida...zone 9/10? | Anonymous added on April 25, 2016 | Answered

My Shrimp plant is in full bloom, in the ground, but is very leggy. How can I bring it to full bloom? How can I braid the branches?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 26, 2016

Here are some photos of braided shrimp plants to give you an idea of how it is accomplished. As you can see, you will need a support inserted into the ground to latch your braided tree onto.



Here is an article that might give you an idea on how to braid your plants together:
Shrimp plants are one of those plants that need to be pruned regularly to keep them from getting leggy and is a plant that will benefit from a hard pruning every spring. Pruning encourages bushiness in the plant. It is also a good idea to pinch off the growing tips to encourage branching and bushiness.

For more information on shrimp plants, please visit the following link:

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