Q.My Shoal Creek chaste tree stopped blooming
I bought a chaste tree that had lots of flowers on it. When we planted it, it continued to bloom for a few weeks, and then the blooms eventually died off (as they do). I cut the dead blooms off to encourage new blooms. There has been a TON of new growth on the tree, lots of bright green leaves popping out everywhere, but absolutely no flowers. It gets full sun in the morning and early afternoon and it is in front of a brick wall, so it gets radiant heat for most of the evening, too. Is there anything I can do to encourage it to flower again?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It will probably not bloom again until next year. Only cut off spent blooms, and give it about a year to recover. You will see flowers again soon enough.
This article will help you to care for these trees: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/chaste-tree/chaste-tree-cultivation.htm