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Q.Can I save sago palm broken at the base with no roots

Zone orlando FL | bonnie1310 added on October 4, 2014 | Answered

I was trying to move the palm but did not dig down far enough. We pulled with chain and truck, and the plant snapped at the base leaving no roots. It is about six foot high. Can I plant it with no roots or will it die? What to do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 5, 2014

Sagos (not palms at all, BTW) are true survivors. They've been around since the dinosaurs. I've heard of one that was broken like yours, thrown on a trash pile in New Jersey, and it still sent out new growth in the spring, got planted, and is beautiful now. So don't give up hope, although it's a long shot. I can't find any particular experience like yours; if I had it, I would let the trunk dry for a couple of weeks, as for a cactus, then dig a hole maybe a foot deep and put the trunk in. Don't keep it wet - just slightly damp, like if it doesn't rain for 2 or 3 weeks. You should also replant the root portion, it probably has a better chance of sending up new growth. Here's an article with a lot of information on sagos: http://www.unce.unr.edu/publications/files/ho/2010/cm1004.pdf

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