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Grapefruit Trees

Q.My ruby red grapefruit tree

Zone 34428 | Luz added on April 8, 2016 | Answered

I have a grapefruit tree it is 21 years old. I have seen 1 bloom in the first 7 and 8 years. It’s beautiful but does not bloom or have fruit. Please help. I have planted more citrus around it to see if that would help, but nothing.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 9, 2016

So this Grapefruit Tree has never bloomed?
Do you know the cultivator that is planted?
A soil test may determine if their are nutrient issues.
Increasing irrigation and following a fertilizer schedule is important for all citrus.

I've listed several articles that have more care information.


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