Q.My Roses Look As If They Are Dying. Do Pebbles Surrounding The Roses Do Damage. Not Sure And They Look As If They Are Lacking Water
as we haven’t had any rain for a while. Don’t know what’s happening we put them in planters. We planted them into new planters this year even the flowers that are coming on them didn’t look very healthy.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I don't see your hardiness zone indicated but the rose likely would do better with wood mulch than pebbles. The rocks may be heating up during the day and reflecting too much heat. The author of the articles below is in northern Colorado and he says gravel mulch does not hurt his roses, but they are not in containers. Also, roses in containers need more water than roses in the ground, so it could just be they need more water.
Here is more on rose care in containers: