Q.My roses leaves are turning brown and dying
My roses leaves are turning brown and actually drying up and falling off. I can’t see any bugs but we have had quite a lot of rain. I sprayed them with Malthion today. Have never had this problem before. Help me.

Have you or any neighbors been spraying any weed killers or herbicides nearby? Spray drift on even a slight breeze can cause such a reaction. Also if the ground is saturated with rain, the available oxygen in the soils can get choked off. Using an old hay or pitchfork to poke into the ground around the rosebushes will help give the oxygen a path to follow. If the leaves are turning yellow, then brown and falling off, and the leaves that are falling off are older leaves or those shaded by new heavy foliage growth, it could be normal. Here are some links to articles for you to check out: