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Q.Rose bush in a bag will not be planted for a while

Zone 5a | nogreentumb1 added on May 24, 2012 | Answered

How do I keep it alive? I bought 4 very cheap plants at the end of last week. I’m in zone 5b and will not be able to have someone plant them for me until the beginning a next week. How do I keep them from dying?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 25, 2012

Keep in mind that the roses you can buy in plastic bags cheaply usually have the root system badly chopped off. They really do not have the root system needed to maintain much top growth at all once removed from the wet newpaper or sawdust they come in. Planting them directly outside in a sunny spot can spell death for them. I recommend planting them in a big pot about the diameter of a 5 gallon bucket. Plant them in a good potting soils mix. Let them grow in the pots for about 3 months and then plant them in the ground. If you need to plant them in the ground right away, mound the soils up around the canes a bit and keep a very close eye on the soils moisture. One real hot day and the soils getting dry can spell the end of them. I would also water them in with some root stimulator and a product called Super Thrive mixed into the water together. It helps get the root system going and also helps with the planting or transplant shock.

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