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Q.rose flowers are incomplete and wrinkled

Zone Panama | jurenag added on August 13, 2016 | Answered

I have this rose and some of the flowers open just fine and others open incomplete like the photos attached. I have also noticed that some of the leaves start growing with some wrinkles. Thank you in advance for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 20, 2016

It could be a genetics thing with those particular canes. If you prune them off and those same canes produce the same type of blooms, I would prune the problem canes completely out and other new canes should emerge that will hopefully produce the better buds and blooms. It can also be a insect problem, such as thrips. They make small holes into the buds and mess up the bloom inside before it has a chance to bloom nicely. A systemic insecticide will get after the thrips.

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