Q.my raspberries canes are not producing berries
Plants seem to be growing well, there seems to be a lot of extra growth. but no matter how many new canes come up there never seems to be any berries produced.
In general, it takes two years for a specific cane to produce fruit. It grows vegetatively the first year, fruits the second year, then dies. Meanwhile, new vegetative canes come up from the base of the plant during the second year. These will become the fruiting canes the year after the first batch of canes dies off. If the one-year-old canes are cut off or die back during winter, your raspberries will not produce fruit because you have no two-year-old canes left in the patch.
Everbearing raspberries grow vegetatively through the summer of their first year, and in late summer/early fall, the tips of the first year canes produce fruit. Those tips die off over the first winter, but the rest of the cane fruits the following summer, then dies completely.
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