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Hyacinth Plant

Q.My question is about healing an indoor palm tree

angibabykitty added on June 28, 2012 | Answered

Dear gardening expert,

I have an indoor palm tree called a ponytail palm. It was beautiful and green until today. Two days ago, I put it outside in the garden to get some outside air, rainwater and real sunshine. I thought it would do the plant good. Instead, I found today that it lost its green colour, the leaves became brownish, some totally burned and they appear quite thin. I brought it inside and gave it an indoor plant feed + a shower and put it back in its normal place. But I am worried that it will remain brown and I ruin my beautiful plant with this action. Have you got any suggestions for what I should do to heal the damage caused by the sun or simply putting it outside?

I would really appreciate your help!

Thank you,


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 29, 2012

It might have been too much sun for your plant to handle, especially since it's used to being indoors. When the sunlight is too intense for plants, it results in sunscald, which is like a sunburn for plants. There is not to much you can do for the damaged fronds, though you can trim the worst looking ones off. They will continue to turn brown. But keep it in its usual spot inside, or in some filtered shade outdoors, and watered as it should be, then it should eventually bounce back.

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Answered on July 7, 2012

Thank you for your answers! It has been very helpful, I really appreciate it!

The plant is feeling better but unfortunately it is losing the leaves that got burned. It was entirely my fault I should have looked into it before I put it outside. Next time I will know.

Thank you again,


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Answered on July 6, 2012

Yes, indoor plants should never be put out into the sun; they can only be put outside if they are well shaded from direct sun - even 1 hour of sun can burn the leaves. Also, you shouldn't "feed" a plant that is suffering from some stress, such as being sunburned; wait till its health has returned, and it is producing new leaves normally. By the way, ponytail palm is no a palm; it is related to the yucca family, and is called beaucarnia.

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