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Hyacinth Plant

Q.potted oleander leaves are turning yellow

Zone South Louisiana | gdaymate added on April 9, 2015 | Answered

My potted oleander has many blooms but its leaves are all turning yellow. I see no bug activity and it is outside in a sunny location. How can it have lovely blooms and, soon, no leaves? Maggi

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 9, 2015

Yellowing leaves typically indicates that the plant is getting too much water or is not being watered enough. This is the most likely scenario.

Other possibilities...
Did the leaves start turning yellow on the tips and along the margins? If so, then oleander leaf scorch might be to blame.
I know you said no insects but I would re-check the undersides of the leaves for sucking insects such as the oleander aphid. They suck nutrients from the plants causing leaves to yellow.

For more information on the care of oleander plants, please visit the following link:

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