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Q.My Potted Lime Tree Looks Fine And Grows Well, But The Tips Of The Branches Are Turning Brown And Dry.

Zone 05301-8062 | Martina1@myfairpoint.net added on May 11, 2023 | Answered

This tree is about 3 years old and is inside for the winter. I added citrus fertilizer last month. It produces a lot of side branches and the leaves look healthy, but the tips are drying off. What to do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 11, 2023

It sounds like, possibly, fertilizer burn. This can happen when a little too much is added. In this case, I would water, thoroughly, until water runs out of the drainage holes. Do this for several minutes. Do this for several days. Here are some articles that will help:



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