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Schefflera Plants

Q.My plant needs some boost

Zone Amman, Jordan | Helene added on September 17, 2018 | Answered

I have the plan in the photo attached which leaves on one of the branches are going down and dying, I am afraid that other branches will be touched. Is there anything I can do to stop that.
Should I cut the sick branch, where should I cut?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 17, 2018

This appears to be the start of a fungal infection. The best course of action from here will be that the next time you water, you will replace 1/4 of that with peroxide. You should only need to do this once. It will kill off the infection while leaving your plant alone.

This article will give you more information on caring for schefflera: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/schefflera/schefflera-plant-care.htm

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Answered on October 6, 2018

I did that a tried again, seems i need another idea for this plant? Any suggestions?

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