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Philodendron Plants

Q.My Plant Is Slimy At The Base

Zone 60416 | Anonymous added on August 16, 2021 | Answered

The new shoots come up surrounded by a brown slimy coating? Some of the smaller leaves are limp. Is there something wrong with my plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 17, 2021

Consider paying attention to watering then. An overwatered philodendron may exhibit stem rot at the base. The part of the stem that is close to the roots may get affected by the rotting since it is close to the soil. The stem, at the soil line, will be weak, limp, and slimy. If you try to remove the stem abruptly, the stem will easily separate from the roots. Water your philodendron once to twice a week. While they prefer moist soil, they do not like soggy soil so insert a finger into the soil a few inches deep and water if it feels dry. Avoid watering when the top few inches feel moist or soggy.

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