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Hyacinth Plant

Q.My plant is sick

Zone Knoxfield | Vlchatfield added on February 18, 2016 | Answered

Could you help me? My plant has yellow-like leaves and they’re falling off. I don’t know what plant it is. Could be over watered or needs food. Can you help me, please?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 18, 2016

Hi! Can we have a little more detail? Did you just get the plant, or move it? Are other plants in it's vicinity having trouble [it doesn't look like it, but it's good to cover the bases.] It could be from over- or under-watering; it sounds exactly like over-watering (leaf-dropping and yellowing), but yellowing is one of the most common symptoms in a plant that's stressed, and leaf-dropping has multiple potential causes as well. It's probably not under-watering, as it looks as though the entire plant is turning yellow, not just the bottom, and the surrounding plants look well-watered-and I somehow doubt you water your plants in a checked formation. :)

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