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Pitcher Plants

Q.My pitcher plant

Zone 87105 | desig2008 added on May 6, 2018 | Answered

So last summer I bought a pitcher plant and it thrived all summer. When the seasons changed and it began to get cold I brought it inside to avoid freezing. My plant lost all of its pitchers but its leaves are still nice and green. Now since it is warmer outside so I have moved it back to its outside location. It hasn’t started to produce any new pitchers and in worried it may not be as healthy as I thought. I also reported a few days ago hoping it may help the pblm. Any thoughts and or suggestions?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 7, 2018

A Pitcher Plant can be a challenging plant, but the fact that your plant looks healthy is a great sign.
This article will help you.

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