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Hyacinth Plant

Q.pink dogwood blooms are still folded

Zone I live in Northern California, Zone 9a-10a | summertime added on April 11, 2015 | Answered

My pink dogwood has lots of flowers but the blooms are still folded and won’t open up. Can you tell me why? The dogwood is planted in a bed with flowers next to an arbor.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 12, 2015

There can be quite a variance in bloom times from year to year so you may just need to be patient. Blooms can be delayed or damaged by unseasonably cold weather or freak frosts. Have you experienced any cold weather?

Does the tree otherwise look healthy? Your tree might not have leaved out yet but if it has - is there anything unusual about the leaves/foliage? Issues with foliage would help diagnose any problem, such as an insect infestation or fungus, such as anthracnose, that could be related to a budding problem.

For more reasons behind dogwoods not blooming, please visit the following link:

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