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Philodendron Plants

Q.My Philodendron Hastatum Developed A Spot, What Can I Do?

Zone 44130 | TALIAC6 added on May 12, 2022 | Answered

I had just gotten this plant a few days ago and it was already a bit uncared for when I found it. While I have a bit of plants already Please know I\’m still learning, and none are like this one so I want to find out the best way to help from anyone that has experience. A noticeable spot has formed on one of the smaller leaves and before I makes changes I want to know how to proceed. Thank you for any help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 12, 2022

It is bacterial spot. Determining which one will likely require a microscope, but killing it will be easy.

Most bacterial infections will respond well to fungicides. This article will help:



Keep in mind that these plants will tolerate things on the drier side. Let the soil dry out, thoroughly, between waterings. Make sure that the top 1/3 of the soil is completely dry, at least.


(The article poses the question whether your plant is a Philo, or Pothos... Your plant is, definitely, Philodendron.)

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