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Pepper Plant

Q.My peppers plants,I brought indoors for the winter.

terezakissara@yahoo.ca added on April 1, 2018 | Answered

I bought my pepper plant indoors for the winter,watering it once a week under the shower.I am now seeing new leaves coming out but they are very slow in doing so,I have the plant in a sunny window for the past couple of days. as it was in a with not too much sun,as I live here in BC.
I have another pepper plant that was doing quite well until now the branches have turned black,but the main stem is still green.no leaves,when can I take them outside.Please help me.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 2, 2018

They will need to remain inside until the temperatures remain above 50 degrees F. I would add dolomitic lime and wettable sulfur to the soil. It sounds like the start of an infection, and this will cure it. I would also add some balanced fertilizer once a month until flowering. Then you can let it sit and produce from there.

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