Q.My Olive Tree Has Started Wilting Suddenly And I Noticed Some Beige/orange Flat Bumps On The Leaves. What Are They And What Do
I do? All this happened within 7 days and I got it 2 weeks ago. I put insecticide on it for now but I really want to know what it is. For pictures I included the healthy picture of when I just got it, when it wilted and the bumps. The bumps arent on every leaf and removable when I rub it off.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That is a type of Scale! These creatures are terrible, and carry diseases that will destroy plants.
You will want to remove what you can by hand. Once they seal themselves to your plant, they are quite resistant to sprays and chemicals. Once you have removed as many as you can by hand you can spray insecticides. You will have to use them for a few weeks until you are sure that all eggs have hatched and the larva killed off.
Here are some articles that will help: