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Q.My new plants are turning black and dropping leaves.

Zone 21784-8141 | Anonymous added on October 18, 2020 | Answered

They are Josephs Coat roses. They came as small plants with leaves. I followed the instructions very carefully. Two still have leaves. Two dropped all their leaves and one turned black. What’s happening…so upset. Thanks

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2020

It sounds like they were either allowed to dry out too much during shipment, got subjected to freezing temps somehow or that there is something in the soils that has burned the root systems. If soil problems are suspected, have the soils tested to see what might be going on. For the other items, contact the company you bought them from and let them know what happened. For the ones that still have leaves, I would water them with some water that has both a product called Super Thrive and a root stimulator mixed into it. The Super Thrive helps them deal with any shock or stress they are going through which can cause leaf drop. Water them with a fresh batch of the water mix the next 3 to 4 times they need watering. There are times that the stock shipped out is just too weak and replacement by the company is needed.

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