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Magnolia Trees

Q.My Magnolia Is Producing Strange Flowers

Zone Binbrook, Ontario, Canada | Katri added on August 7, 2020 | Answered

My magnolia blossomed as usual in this spring 2020 with pretty pink flowers that eventually died and fell. I have had this tree for over a dozen years and this year for the first it is producing a deep pink tulip-like flower. This started in mid June. It eventually died off but now I am still seeing them appear into mid August. I currently have four on the magnolia tree. I have never seen this before in all the time that I have had the tree. What is going on?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 10, 2020

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Answered on August 10, 2020

I think I give up. I have never received an answer to the problem to my magnolia tree. I see that it has been "answered". Not so. Read the "answered" section again!!

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Answered on August 10, 2020

No. I have not received an answer to my magnolia tree problem. Ousted it on Aug. 7. If you don’t have a answer should I not be told that?

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