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Hyacinth Plant

Q.aphids on lemon tree

Zone I live in Pretoria, South Africa. | mapella added on April 24, 2015 | Answered

My lemon tree suffers from aphids. How to get rid of them? When I bought the tree, it had already a small lemon but then it fell off. I found white aphids under some of the leaves. Also, it is struggling to grow. I bought a liquid to mix with water and I have sprayed on the leaves. It seemed to have helped but if I don’t spray for, say 2 weeks, then the white aphids are back, although in small numbers. What fertilizer should I use?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 24, 2015

The recommended way of controlling aphids is to spray the tree with neem oil or insecticidal soap. Spray the tree until the insecticide drips from the foliage. It may take several applications to eliminate the aphids.

This is discussed in more detail in the following articles:

The following article will help you determine the type of fertilizer and how to properly apply it:

For a refresher on lemon tree care, please visit the following link:

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