Q.My Lemon Tree Is Losing Leaves, What Is The Best Way To Figure Out The Problem?
Some of the leaves look like there were holes eaten into them, but cant find any pests. Lemon tree is losing leaves that seem like they were dried out, but kept the soil well watered… Tips are turning brown on new leaves, and branches are getting droopy. I am having trouble figuring out what is wrong with it and would love some advice/opinion on how/if it can be saved. Thank you!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It's an interesting fact that overwatering can produce the same results as underwatering when it comes to leaves that look dried out and wilted. If your tree is getting too much water, the roots begin to drown and develop "root rot," which prevents the water from traveling up the trunk into the rest of the plant. If your soil isn't draining well, this may be your problem. As to the holes, there's clearly something munching on your plant. Try a few treatments with neem oil. Here are a few articles that should help: