Q.indoor lemon tree
My lemon tree just grows getting taller and taller without any branches. In summer on my balcony where there was much sunlight, it grew faster then ever, touching ceiling. Then I cut it, letting more then half length of the tree and pruned sucker branches at the bottom of the trunk. And also I slit the cut, hoping more branches to populate. Two sprouts were formed. However, only one sprout out of two survived. This new sprout just grows and grows and grow. There is no sign of new branching. Is this normal? How am I supposed to branch my lemon tree?
My tree is now indoors, because it is winter here, thus cold outside. To prevent frost I got it in. Trunk is 4.2 feet tall and sprout was .82, a few days ago and must be taller today 🙂 Pics are added, one trunk one sprout.
Thanks in advance, best regards.
Thanks a lot.
Prune it down to about 3 leaf sets from the bottom.
You need to leave sufficient leaves for the health of the tree.
Good luck!
Thanks for your reply Downtoearthdigs (hoping that this is your nick). You have recommended to prune my lemon tree to about 24 inches, however there is no leaf at that level, that is, if i cut it to 24 inches it will be just a stick with no leaf on it.So what am i supposed to do?
Oops, your seedling has gotten pretty tall! Generally you should began pruning when it reaches about 40 inches in height.
You should then prune it to about 24 inches from the soil surface, making the cut just above a leaf. It should then start to grow lateral branches, that should be reduced to 3. When these lateral branches grow sufficiently they should be cut back to about 10 inches in length. Laterals will grow in from these branches and they will eventually be pruned to 1/3 of their length. This will start to give you a nice and balanced bush form.
All subsequent growth will be tip pruned.