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Cucumber Plants

Q.My lemon cucmbers are large and green. Are they edible?

Zone 5 | rjorgenson added on August 6, 2012 | Answered

My lemon cucumbers are growing like crazy. I actually thought the vines were squash. Yesterday I noticed these round green fruits, some were 5″ in diameter. They were green not yellow. I do have a green cuke nearby. Can I still eat them? The seeds are getting big, like a squash. I was thinking I could peel and de-seed them for salads or pickles.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 16, 2012

Yes, you can eat them. There are several things that may have happened to make your lemon cucumbers not grow lemon yellow (e.g. it is a sport, it was a seed from a cross pollinated plant, etc) and none of them are harmful to you.

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