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Lantana Plants

Q.lantana stopped blooming

Zone Central Texas...zone 10 I think | Anonymous added on August 3, 2016 | Answered

I planted my lantana and it was full and had beautiful blooms. I have it planted on the west side where it has about 6 hours of sun. Within the last week or so, it has not bloomed and the bush seems to be thinning out. Could I have watered too much? Also, I have a mulch around it so could that be the cause? I checked for bugs and the green pods but found neither. The plant does have a few of the black pods. I live in central Texas and I am unsure how often to water. We are in the 101 to 104 range in temperature now and I am at a loss. Thank you for any advice.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 3, 2016

Cut off the pods. These are seed pods (turned black from green) and when these form, the plant thinks it no longer needs to flower as it has accomplished its goal. Plants flower so that they can reproduce. If you prevent them from reproducing, they will keep flowering in order to keep trying to make seeds.

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